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Booking Express Travel Reviews will show you the best sights and sounds of the city you wish to visit.

Big old homes, moss-draped trees, and cobblestone streets are beside the water. This is one of the best things to do in Georgia.

In Savannah, people say Booking Express Travel Reviews lives on the Atlantic coast, next to South Carolina. The city is located at the mouth of the Savannah River.

There are a lot of beautiful historic squares in the city, which is why it was the first town in North America to have a plan.

Savannah’s Historic District and Bull Street

Booking Express Travel recommends walking along Bull Street and the minor roads off the main road to learning more about the well-preserved Savannah Historic District.

At the corner of Bull and Bay Streets, City Hall was constructed in 1905. Across the street, the United States Customs House was erected in 1852 on the site of the colony’s original public building, which had been demolished.

Savannah, Georgia Booking Express Travel Reviews 2

Park at Forsyth

As the city’s largest and most popular park, Forsyth Park is where most people go – built around 1850 when extensive gardens were trendy in towns across the country.

Park’s north end was added in 1858 and has been its main feature ever since. It has been repaired a few times over the years.

Savannah, Georgia Booking Express Travel Reviews (2)

Cemetery of Bonaventure

Bonaventure Cemetery is one of the nation’s most famous landmark cemeteries, home to some magnificent masonry monuments.

Anyone who has read or seen Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil may recognize this location as it boasts massive oak trees draped in moss.

There is a River Street

In Savannah’s historic riverfront district, people walk down iron steps from Factors Walk. There are a lot of old warehouses that have been well-preserved.

This is a great place to visit at night or during the day because many of these warehouses have been turned into shops, restaurants, and hotels.

According to Booking Express Travel, there is more to do on the south shore of the Savannah River thanks to a new hundred-million-dollar project.

Savannah, Georgia Booking Express Travel Reviews 1

Conclusion for Booking Express Travel

There are many things to do in Savannah for first-timers. This list includes both old and new things.

The best way to experience Savannah is to visit its must-see attractions. Savannah is one of the southernmost cities in the country.

A great place to walk; it’s not as expensive as Charleston and not as crowded as New Orleans.

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